Audit Toolkit (Excel) above. We hope you find this useful and if you have any feedback please do contact us at Please can you advise your local audit department if you plan to undertake this audit, it is important that they are made aware of it for the benefit of demonstrating Trust/Board activity and also so that they are in a position to support you and endorse the activity for your benefit.

Resources about transition for the public and healthcare professionals
Ready Steady Go: Transition programme
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: Transition resources
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: NICE Guideline 43
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: NICE Quality Standard 140
Royal College of Nursing: Lost in Transition
Care Quality Commission: From the Pond into the Sea
Together for Short Lives: Family resources
Together for Short Lives: Transition pathway
Young People’s Health Special Interest Group: HEEADSSS app
Association for Young People’s Health: Association for Young People’s Health
Royal College of Physicans: Young Adults and Adolescents Steering Group (YAASG)
E-learning for Health: Adolescent health programme
10 Steps to Transition: Transition programme
Council for Disabled Children: Developmentally appropriate healthcare
GOSH:Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Scottish Transitions Forum:Scottish Transitions Forum
Me first:
The Transition Hub. The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust:
Intensive Care Society: Paediatric to adult critical care transition
WellChild:8 Principles for Transition
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust:Preparing for adulthood
Watch a video about the parent carer perspective of transition, featuring Barbara Braithwaite:here

Study Questionnaires
Clinician questionnaire
Primary care clinician questionnaire
Organisational questionnaire
Primary care organisational questionnaire
Reviewer assessment form
Young person & parent carer survey
Health & social care professionals survey