Provision of theatre sessions for vascular surgery

20% of hospitals did not have dedicated daytime general surgical theatre sessions
(NCEPOD lists).

>> Elective dedicated vascular sessions

Hospitals were asked whether there were dedicated elective theatre sessions for vascular surgery, and if so, how many. 80% (144/180) had dedicated elective sessions. Figure 9 shows the relationship between the number of elective AAA repairs reported for the year 2002/03 and the number of elective vascular sessions reported.
Figure 9. Number of elective theatre sessions by number of elective open repairs n=128

As expected, the greater the number of repairs done in a hospital the more likely it was that there would be a greater number of elective vascular sessions. However, it is striking that for hospitals carrying out the same number of AAA repairs, e.g. approximately 60, the number of sessions could vary from three to 12. Hospitals may wish to compare their own provision of services with the data presented here.

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