This report concentrates on the extremes of age. In detail there
are obvious differences between the groups, yet many of the
lessons to be drawn from this study span the age difference.
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Individual Report
Recommendations (25Kb) General Data (56Kb) Children (223Kb) The Elderly (244Kb) References (43Kb) Appendices A to D (55KB) Includes: A. Glossary B. Abbreviations C. NCEPOD Corporate Structure D. Data Collection and Review Methods Appendices E to G (87Kb) E. Local Reporters F. Participants (anaesthetists) G. Participants (surgeons and gynaecologists) Data Supplement The Data Supplement to this report provides more detailed statistical analysis of responses to the anaesthetic and surgical questionnaires. Due to the focus of the 1999 report, children and the elderly, two distinct sets of questionnaires were sent out to the participants. A separate analysis of responses to each questionnaire is available below. Each of the following sections should be read in conjunction with the full report. Analysis of data from the children's anaesthetic questionnaires (72KB) Analysis of data from the children's surgical questionnaires (50KB) Analysis of data from the elderly anaesthetic questionnaires (78KB) Analysis of data from the elderly surgical questionnaires (54KB) |