Demographic data

The first part of an autopsy report indicates the demographic data: who the patient was, how old they were, when and where they died, and many other important data (Table 6). The following sections relate to the information as presented in the autopsy report as a stand alone document, and not the supporting documentation (i.e. this is material that the pathologist him/herself presents in the report).

Table 6: Information contained within the autopsy report (answers may be multiple n=1691)
  n= % of cases
Name of the deceased 1691 100
Pathologist's name 1689 100
Date of autopsy 1675 99
Sex 1667 99
Location of autopsy 1655 98
Date of death 1624 96
Autopsy report number 1535 91
Age 1445 85
Location of death 1287 76
Date of birth 1230 73
Address of deceased 1218 72
Pathologist's appointment 1187 70
Time of death 1143 68
Coroner instructing (or jurisdiction) 1078 64
Pathologist's qualifications* 1071 63
Other persons present at the autopsy 610 36
Time of autopsy 594 35
Statement of presence (or absence) of pacemaker 561 33
Deceased identified by ** 516 31
Mode of identification *** 474 28
Hospital / NHS number 355 21

* What is a pathologist? Most of those performing the autopsies were consultants, most but not all of whom were members/fellows of the Royal College of Pathologists; there were also specialist registrars and senior house officers performing autopsies and signing reports (described in more detail later). A proportion of pathologists were forensic specialists, but the study did not distinguish those belonging to a forensic department from those who were independent, self-employed practitioners.
** This refers to a named person who identified the body to the pathologist.
*** This refers to the method by which the pathologist identified the body, for example, by wrist band.

From the autopsy report, a note was made of the pathologists' appointment (Table 7).

Table 7: Pathologists' appointment
  n= %
Consultant histopathologist 1002 59.3
Forensic pathologist 122 7.2
Specialist registrar or senior house officer 54 3.2
Associate specialist histopathologist 10 <1
Consultant neuropathologist 8 <1
Consultant paediatric pathologist 5 <1
Not stated 490 29.0